Then God said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves…So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:26-27
This last weekend some of the area youth ministries gathered at Wolverine Christian Service Camp for a Sr. High Retreat. Our theme was “Rhythm” and we unpacked it by asking 3 questions…
Do you know the song?
Are you in tune with the song?
Can you perform the song?
As I personally experienced this theme and participated in this retreat, I found myself really contemplating these questions. But what captivated me most was the concept that the song of our God is being played all around us. This song does not end and is being played everywhere. Just the reality that we serve a God that is performing for His people and this is born out of a love for us compels me to stop and listen. And not just listen to the song, but embrace this song. Embrace it in such a way as to become one with it knowing the lyrics, the melody, and the overall message. An embracing that places this song in every imaginative location possible…my “computer”, my “iPod”, my pre-set “radio stations”, my heart, and my mind. Zephaniah 3:17 says that Lord sings for His people and that this song is an exaltation over His people. He is excited to offer us a song. According to this scripture, a song born out of love; a love that calms our fears.
Am I in “Rhythm” with my God? Am I listening and even performing the same song as He is? Am I passionate about the very same things as God is? Is my heart breaking over the same things that break the heart of God? Do I invest in the same things and same places as Jesus does?
If not, it is time to get back in Rhythm with God. It is time to go back to basics…listen to the song, learn the song, and have it become your playlist of life once again!!
And if you are in Rhythm with God, then turn the song up as loud as you can and sing it with all you heart, song, mind, and strength!!!
Genesis 1:26-27
This last weekend some of the area youth ministries gathered at Wolverine Christian Service Camp for a Sr. High Retreat. Our theme was “Rhythm” and we unpacked it by asking 3 questions…
Do you know the song?
Are you in tune with the song?
Can you perform the song?
As I personally experienced this theme and participated in this retreat, I found myself really contemplating these questions. But what captivated me most was the concept that the song of our God is being played all around us. This song does not end and is being played everywhere. Just the reality that we serve a God that is performing for His people and this is born out of a love for us compels me to stop and listen. And not just listen to the song, but embrace this song. Embrace it in such a way as to become one with it knowing the lyrics, the melody, and the overall message. An embracing that places this song in every imaginative location possible…my “computer”, my “iPod”, my pre-set “radio stations”, my heart, and my mind. Zephaniah 3:17 says that Lord sings for His people and that this song is an exaltation over His people. He is excited to offer us a song. According to this scripture, a song born out of love; a love that calms our fears.
Am I in “Rhythm” with my God? Am I listening and even performing the same song as He is? Am I passionate about the very same things as God is? Is my heart breaking over the same things that break the heart of God? Do I invest in the same things and same places as Jesus does?
If not, it is time to get back in Rhythm with God. It is time to go back to basics…listen to the song, learn the song, and have it become your playlist of life once again!!
And if you are in Rhythm with God, then turn the song up as loud as you can and sing it with all you heart, song, mind, and strength!!!